Monday, April 4, 2011

You can see pics @ at our Facebook page. Click the link. after you read the blog about the day.

Monday April 4th. We had 2 work teams today.
this report is from Julia Ayers about her team and what they worked on. "We showed up there, and met Raymond the home owner. We sanded the walls in preparation to texture and paint them. Then Taylor, Me and James went outside to paint the places that the team before us missed. We somehow ended up getting in a paint fight while we were painting. After lunch we split up into three groups: two mudding walls we sanded too much, three finishing the painting outside. and two sheet rocking a room. After the painting and mudding was done we all helped in the room. I got to use a screw gun and a nail gun. HEHE! It was very fun." On Julia's team was James, Taylor, Brittany, Stephen, Johnathan, Collin and Jennifer.

This report for the other team is by Don Moser, "We arrived at our site and found a number of issues that a team before us did not do well. So we spent most of the morning re-hanging Dry wall and fixing mistakes from the other team. The kids jumped in with very little instruction and took care of some of the problems. They did an amazing job in spite of us not having all the right tools. We had a great day together as a team. We laughed a lot, and got a lot accomplished today. We are looking forward to another day of work on the house tomorrow!"
On Don's team was Charlie, Noel, Ali, Lizzie, Amber, Conor, and Daniel.

Todd and Ken, tried to make sure that everyone had ice cream today!

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