Friday, April 22, 2011

As we close out this week, we are able to take a moment and reflect on all that God has done around us, through us and in us. Tonight as we closed our week with our last chapel, and afterglow (which is a time after chapel that we hand out encouragement cards and talk about our day and how we experienced God, or were encouraged by others). We had a chance to take communion together as a team. We then took some time in prayer to thank God for the things that He did this week.

We saw God is so many ways. We saw Him through our conversations with Warrenetta. A women with so much passion to serve and build community that it overflows out of her with every word that she speaks. She was able to share with us how God has allowed her to serve in her community and that there is nothing else she would ever want to do.

Thank you so much to all those who prayed for and supported us financially. I was and am so blessed by this team.

Thank you!


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